Payton Leutner is still hesitant to make new acquaintances and cannot sleep alone for lengthy periods of time. Payton Leutner’s life changed abruptly the night she was molested 19 times by her best friend, Morgan Geyser, and another classmate, Anissa Weier.
Following the May 2014 assault, which was purportedly motivated by a bogus Internet boogeyman, Weier was convicted of attempted first-degree murder, while Geyser was found not guilty due to insanity. Because of the dramatic nature of the crime, the defendants’ young age, and the genesis of the attack from a bogus Internet boogeyman, Leutner’s riveting story inspired multiple TV shows and a Netflix feature starring Joey King.
In a 2019 ABC interview with David Muir, Leutner stated that she was still hesitant to make new acquaintances and had difficulty sleeping alone for a long time. Weier, meantime, has been released early after completing only four years of her 25-year sentence at Winnebago Mental Health Centre.
Geyser, Leutner’s long-time classmate and best pal, was also sentenced to 40 years in a psychiatric facility. Her plea to have her conviction overturned was refused. Following her 2017 conviction, Geyser’s lawyers contended that she should have been prosecuted as a juvenile because she was 12 years old at the time of the stabbing. Meanwhile, in an interview with ABC, Leutner thanked Geyser for helping her become the person she is now. Payton Leutner Now: A Toxic Friendship with Geyser.
Where is Payton Leutner today?
Leutner will start university at the age of 19, although she hasn’t been seen in public on live television since February 2020, when she was a senior in high school. At the time, Leutner was a high school senior planning to attend college in the autumn of 2020. Leutner stated that what occurred to her at such a young age motivated her to seek a profession in medicine.
It’s been seven years since her closest friends staged a horrific attack to show that Slender Man exists, and she’s still dealing with the scars from the knife wound. “I’ve learnt to live with my scars,” Leutner explained in an ABC interview. “It’s just a part of me; I don’t think much about it.”
Leutner’s present condition is widely discussed on Google, including the whereabouts of her assailants, as well as the appeals and reactions to their conduct. Perhaps this was one of the reasons Leutner chose to give her “side” of the story over “everybody else’s” in her ABC interview. In her stunning statements for ABC, Leutner said that she had formed a connection with Geyser in fourth school after noticing him sitting alone. Leutner described Geyser as “a lonely but amusing girl.”
Payton Leutner destructive relationship with Geyser
Leutner was afraid of the Internet boogeyman, and she told Geyser about it. However, Leutner’s excitement for the other girl was boundless. “When she met Anissa [Weier], I saw a shift in fifth to sixth grade,” she told me. “That’s when I really wanted to get out of that friendship.”
Leutner’s mother, Stacey, said her daughter was probably aware that this “wasn’t the healthiest friendship” but didn’t take Geyser out of her life because she didn’t want Weier to be the only one with friends. However, as Geyser’s fascination with Slender Man increased, so did her bond with Weier, who lived in the same apartment complex and rode the same school bus as her. According to Leutner, Weier had nothing to do with the construction of the faceless head, extremely tall slim body, dressed entirely in black, equipped with tentacle-like fingers, mythological monster with a genuine face.
Leutne had skated at a neighbourhood rink, eaten froyo, and had a sleepover with Weier and Geyser the night before her death. “Something seemed odd since [Geyser] has always wanted to stay up all night at our previous sleepovers because she couldn’t do it at home,” she said.
“However, on the night of the birthday party, she wanted to go to bed.” “I was thinking, that is really strange,” she told Muir. “Why hadn’t I seen something? Why didn’t I see anything wrong? But I don’t blame myself in the least. Because who could have predicted anything like this? Nobody could have predicted something like this.
19 stabs by her closest friend
The original plan was to kill Leutner while she slept, as disclosed by Geyser and Weier when the girls were spotted strolling along a road on their way to “live with Slender Man.” Leutner describes the morning of the assault in vivid detail. She awakened, walked downstairs to welcome Geyser and Weier, ate doughnuts, and took her kid for a stroll in the nearby park. When the attackers decided to play hide-and-seek, they deviated from their original plan yet again.
Weier then urged Leutner to lie down and hide under mounds of logs and leaves, and when she did, Geyser drew out a kitchen knife she had taken from home and stabbed her 19 times in the arms, legs, and body with the 13cm long blade. Two of the incisions were to vital organs, one millimetre from a major artery and the other right through her diaphragm, plunging into her liver and stomach.
The assailants told Leutner to lie down while they went hunting for help, but they never returned. “I got up, grabbed a few trees for support, and then just walked until I hit grass where I could lay down,” Leutner tells me. While Leutner was drifting in and out of consciousness, a biker noticed her and contacted 911. She was treated for six hours at ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital, and when she recovered, “I recall the first thing I thought after waking up was, ‘Did they get them?,’ ‘Are they still out?'” Leutner explained.
Leutner was relieved to learn of Weier and Geyser’s arrest, since the two girls immediately admitted to killing their buddy in order to stop Slender Man from murdering their family. They even admitted that they had been planning it for months at that time. However, while speaking on ABC News, Leutner revealed that she still kept a pair of broken scissors with her “just in case.”
When Leutner discovered why Geyser had assaulted her, she didn’t think it was “because she (Geyser) fully believed in this notion that she would do anything for it.” She was surprised, however, by their “huge, vast strategy” that they had been working on for months.
Payton Leutner still thanked Geyser.
Leutner’s mother, Stacey, indicated that, despite her son’s acceptance of what happened, he still had trust difficulties as a result of the attack. She has friends, but she keeps them at a safe distance even among them.
“The children had been charged as adults for a long, and she was afraid to let others into her life as a result. “It’s not an easy situation for any child,” she explained. “For a long time, even trusting family members was difficult for her,” she told me. Since the incident, there has been controversy about whether the two teenagers should be charged as adults. Leutner believes: “Adult court is where adult crimes are tried.”
Leutner says she never wants to see or speak with her assailants again, calling what her closest friend did “definitely unforgivable.” “She would immediately return where she was if she tried to approach me,” the young woman stated.
Her mum commented: “I’m not sure that I am comfortable with her being set free right now.” However, if she ever communicates with her buddy who attempted to murder her, Leutner will “at first thank (Geyser)”. “Just because of what she did, I have the life I have today. “I really like it, and I’ve devised a strategy,” said Leutner. When she was 12 years old, Leutner had no clue where she wanted to go in life or how she was going to get there. She had no plans until lately. This was all about Payton Leutner Now: Leutner’s Toxic Friendship With Geyser.